ICC Alaska

Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) Alaska is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works on behalf of the Inupiat of the North Slope, Northwest and Bering Straits Regions; St. Lawrence Island Yupik; and the Central Yup’ik and Cup’ik of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Region in Southwest Alaska.

President’s Message

Dear Members, Supporters, and Friends of the Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska,

My name is Kasaŋnaaluk Marie Greene. As the newly elected President of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) Alaska, it is both an honor and a privilege to serve you in this capacity. I am humbled by the trust you have in me, and I am committed to working to advance the rights, cultures, and well-being of Inuit communities in Alaska.

I am fortunate to be surrounded by a dedicated and talented team, including our ICC Alaska Board and ICC Alaska Vice President, Nicole Wojciechowski, who bring invaluable expertise and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our communities. Together, we form a dynamic leadership team that will guide the Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska towards a prosperous future.

Behind the scenes, our dedicated staff members work to implement our strategic initiatives and support ICC Alaska’s vision:

Kelly Eningowuk, Executive Director
Vernae Angnaboogok, Cultural Sustainability Advisor
Eilene Adams, Project Coordinator

Our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan reflects our commitment to preserving and advancing the rights, cultures, and well-being of Inuit peoples in Alaska. ICC Alaska uses the Declaration that results from each ICC General Assembly to guide our strategic plan. We have conducted extensive consultations and engaged with our community members to ensure that our goals and actions are rooted in their aspirations and needs. We have identified five key priorities that will guide our work for the 2022-2026 term: Influence Systematic Change, Build Sustainability, Amplify ICC Alaska’s Work, Leverage ICC International Infrastructure to The Fullest, and Root ICC Alaska in History and Place.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to the achievements we will accomplish together.

Aarigaa, quyanaq,

Kasaŋnaaluk Marie N. Greene
Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska President

ICC Alaska Staff

Marie Greene, President
Nicole Wojciechowski, Vice President
Kelly Eningowuk, Executive Director 
Vernae Angnaboogok, Cultural Sustainability Advisor
Eilene Adams, Project Coordinator

2022-2026 Strategic Plan

The Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) Alaska Strategic Plan lays out the strategic vision and priorities for the 2022-2026 term. During the term, ICC Alaska will focus on the following priorities towards the Strategic Vision:

Priority One: Influence Systematic Change
Priority Two: Build Sustainability
Priority Three: Amplify ICC Alaska’s Work
Priority Four: Leverage ICC International Infrastructure to the Fullest
Priority Five: Root ICC Alaska in History and Place

To learn more, access the full document.

ICC Alaska uses the Declaration that results from each ICC General Assembly to guide its strategic plan. Access the 2022 Ilulissat Declaration.

Board of Directors

Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska is governed by a fourteen member Board of Directors who are appointed by member organizations. Member organizations include the regional Tribal non-profit organizations, regional Alaska Native corporations from the North Slope, Northwest Arctic, Bering Straits and Southwest regions; and the North Slope and Northwest Arctic Boroughs. Elder and youth representatives also serve on the Board. All board members are Inuit and represent communities and regions served by Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska.

ICC Executive Vice Chair,
ICC Alaska President

Marie Kasaŋnaaluk Greene, raised in Deering, Alaska by her Aana, Nellie Karmun, had a 20-year career at NANA Regional Corporation, 13 of those as President and CEO. She spent 16 years working in several management and planning positions, including 11 years as President of Maniilaq Association the non-profit corporation providing Health, Tribal and Social Services to the residents of Northwest Alaska. Greene had the privilege of serving on several local, regional, national and or international councils, boards, and commissions, including the OTZ Telephone Cooperative, Alaska Federation of Natives, Alaska Redistricting Board, the US Arctic Research Commission, the Inuit Circumpolar Council, Alaska board of directors and Northwest Arctic Region delegate. She currently serves on the Northwest Arctic Borough School District board of education and the Association of Alaska School Boards, the Northwest Arctic Borough Village Improvement Commission and newly elected to the Kotzebue Tribal Council. She holds a master’s degree in Rural Development and a proud Aana and Amau. Greene brings a wealth of Cultural insight along with many years of senior level leadership experience.

ICC Executive Council Member,
ICC Alaska Vice President

Nicole L. Kannik Paniġiuq “Kanayurak” Wojciechowski is Inupiaq who resides in Utqiaġvik, Alaska where she was born and raised. Her parents are Lloyd and Alberta Kanayurak; grandparents are Bert* and Isabel Kanayurak and Lewis* and Jennie* Suvlu; and spouse is Peter Wojciechowski. Nicole has served as the ICC representative for the PAME working group of the Arctic Council since 2016 after being mentored by Jimmy. With deep interest in the wellbeing of Inuit and our food systems, she has contributed to the steering committees for health and food security and sovereignty projects. She was also a youth representative to the ICC Alaska Board from 2014 to 2018 and during that time she advocated and championed continued youth involvement in ICC. Nicole serves as the Deputy Director of Wildlife Management for the North Slope Borough, a department that brings together Indigenous Knowledge and science to facilitate sustainable harvests of fish and wildlife so we may practice our traditional harvests into perpetuity. She also serves on the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope Council, the regional tribal council. Nicole earned her Master’s in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington and her bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College. Overall Nicole enjoys living at home and being an active member of her community.

NANA Regional Corporation

Elizabeth “Liz” Qaulluq Cravalho is vice president of lands and is responsible for
providing strategic leadership and management for programs that focus on the
environmental protection and enhancement of NANA lands for subsistence use by
shareholders and local communities. She has also worked with External Affairs,
representing and advancing NANA’s interests in various areas of policy, including Arctic opportunities and Indigenous representation.

Liz is a NANA shareholder from Kotzebue who has experience advocating for Alaska Native corporation (ANC) participation in the Small Business Administration 8(a) Program, supporting strategic partnerships, community engagement and advancing Arctic policy. Her experience with NANA ranges from working with subsidiary businesses providing services to federal government customers to supporting responsible resource development activities.

In addition to her time at NANA, Liz served on the Alaska Arctic Policy Commission for two years, during which she provided recommendations to the Alaska Legislature on Arctic policy matters. Liz is also a former board member of the Alaska Humanities Forum, where she supported building social bridges across Alaska’s diverse geography, cultures and communities. She holds a Master of Science in organization development from American University, a bachelor’s degree in history from Colorado College, and is currently a fellow of the German Marshall Memorial Fellowship.

Association of Village Council Presidents,
ICC Alaska Treasurer and Secretary

Vivian Anginran Korthuis became the Chief Executive Officer of AVCP in October of 2016. In her first year as CEO, Vivian launched an organization-wide Quality Improvement Process (QIP), to improve service delivery at the expressed request of the AVCP Executive Board and tribal delegates of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (YK Delta).  The Association of Village Council Presidents is the regional native non-profit tribal consortium serving 56 Tribes on the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta in Western Alaska.

Prior to her appointment, Vivian served AVCP for 19 years in several capacities including Vice President of Programs. Before that, she worked in a leadership capacity at the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation and as a school teacher. Vivian has been a lifelong advocate for the Y-K Delta region and has more than 35 years’ experience working to improve education, health care, and social services delivery within the region. Currently, Vivian serves on several boards including the Inuit Circumpolar Council Executive Board, the Alaska Federation of Natives Board of Directors, and the  Yuut Elintuarviat  Board of Directors. Vivian was born in Bethel and raised in Emmonak, Alaska.  She graduated from Mount Edgecumbe High School in Sitka, holds a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College, and a master’s in education from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation

Bridget Anderson serves as vice president of External Affairs for Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, and is responsible for all facets of government affairs and corporate communications.

Bridget has worked in the government affairs sector for more than 15 years. She spent nearly eight years in Washington, D.C. working both on and off Capitol Hill before moving home to Alaska in 2009. Upon her move back to Alaska she continued her work in the government affairs sector for ASRC.  Upon her departure from ASRC in 2015 Anderson worked as a consultant on a variety of projects for clients in Alaska. She also served as External Affairs Manager for the ANCSA Regional Association, the trade organization that represents to twelve Alaska Native Regional Corporations.

Anderson twice participated in the annual session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues – providing support to the delegate from the Arctic; she provided policy and strategic support to the second Chair of the Arctic Economic Council.

Anderson is a shareholder of ASRC and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Alaska Anchorage. She lives in Anchorage with her husband and children.

Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope

George Edwardson earned a degree in Geology and from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and a degree in Gas Field Management from Keyano College in Alberta, Canada. He was born and raised in Barrow, Alaska, where he still lives. He and his wife Debby have seven children. 

George is President of the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope, a federally recognized tribal government with jurisdiction over a 89,000 square mile territory in northern Alaska. ICAS is charged with preserving the inherent sovereign rights and powers of the Inupiat; protecting and conserving Tribal lands and resources in accordance with Tribal customary and traditional law; establishing justice; and promoting effective Inupiaq governance.

Northwest Arctic Borough

More details to come.

Maniilaq Association

More details to come.

Bering Straits Native Corporation

Roy was born and raised in the Village of White Mountain. He lives in Nome with his wife Loretta Bullard. They have two daughters. He worked at Kawerak for over 25 years and just recently retired.  He’s been a board member for White Mountain Native Corporation (WMNC) since 1984 and still serves in that capacity. He serves as a board member for Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC), having been first elected 1989. He has participated in many ADF&G Game and Fish and North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) meetings, mainly advocating for reduction of by-catch of salmon in their Bering Sea Pollock fishery. He has also  attended many Federal Subsistence Board meetings. He said, “Getting involved with fish and game policy whether at the state or federal level, I’ve gained significant knowledge to advocate for continuing our subsistence way of life.”

Kawerak, Incorporated

More details to come.

Elders Representative

More details to come.

Youth Representative

Joshua Vo lives and works in Anchorage, Alaska. He graduated from Mt. Edgecumbe High School and has his bachelor’s in Business Administration from the University of Alaska Anchorage. Joshua has been working with Koniag, a regional Alaska Native Corporation, and its federal contracting subsidiaries since 2016. Mr. Vo is passionate about Alaska Native affairs and participates in other organizations outside of work like Nerklikmute Native Corporation, the Mount Edgecumbe High School Advisory School Board and the Inuit Circumpolar Council – Alaska.

North Slope Borough

More details to come.

Job Announcement

No Job Postings at this time.