Our Work


Circumpolar Inuit Protocols For Equitable and Ethical Engagement

These protocols reflect the combined efforts of Inuit across Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Chukotka. Much of the information has been adapted from materials previously developed by the Inuit Circumpolar Council, Inuit communities, organizations and governments. ICC is grateful to all those who have provided decades of input, guidance and knowledge and to everyone who provided their time, direction, information, first-hand accounts and knowledge to develop these Protocols.

Inuit Arctic Policy

Over the years, the Inuit Arctic Policy has become the main document for development on many issues in the Arctic and has contributed significantly in numerous ways as the Arctic has changed profoundly since the beginning of this work. Arctic states and others are invited to join with Inuit in the ongoing challenge of building and carrying out a common Arctic vision that is clearly supportive of the Arctic environment and beneficial to humankind. This is the third edition of the Inuit Arctic Policy.

Press Releases




Previous Press Releases

I AM INUIT is an ICC-Alaska project that seeks to connect the world with Alaskan Inuit (Inupiat, Yup’ik, Cup’ik and St. Lawrence Island Yupik) and the Arctic, through common humanity.

I AM INUIT wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of these organizations:

Alaska Dispatch News
The Alaska Humanities Forum
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
Kawerak, Incorporated
Maniilaq Association
NANA Regional Corporation 
The Oak Foundation

Declarations & Resolutions

“Inuit Circumpolar Council 2022 Ilulissat Declaration” Passed during the 2022 Hybrid Gathering
“Utqiagvik Declaration” Passed at the 2018 General Assembly in Utqiagvik, Alaska
“Kitigaaryuit Declaration”  Passed at the 2014 General Assembly in Inuvik, Canada
“Nuuk Declaration” Passed at the 2010 General Assembly in Nuuk, Greenland
Utqiagvik Declaration” Passed at the 2006 General Assembly in Barrow, Alaska
“Declaration on Resource Development Principles in Inuit Nunaat” Passed at the Inuit Leaders Summit on Resource Development, Ottawa, Canada, February 2011
“Moscow Declaration” Passed at the Arctic Leaders Summit, April 2010
“Inuit Declaration on Arctic Sovereignty” Adopted by the Inuit Circumpolar Council, April 2009
“Inuit Circumpolar Council Executive Council Resolution 16-01”  A Resolution of Support for Eskimo Walrus Commission’s Opposition of Including Walrus, Mammoth, and Mastodon Ivory in African Elephant Ivory Ban Laws in the United States


“A Need to Focus on Indigenous Priorities” James Stotts, ICC Alaska President, Arctic Council Ministerial, May 2021
“Arctic Change – What’s Next?” James Stotts, ICC Alaska President, Arctic Council Ministerial, May 2019
“Indigenous Peoples, Biodiversity and their Interrelated Nature” Dalee Sambo Dorough, ICC Chair, Arctic Biodiversity Congress, October 2018
“Remarks of Incoming Chair” Dalee Sambo Dorough, 13th General Assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Council, July 20, 2018
“Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting” Okalik Eegeesiak, ICC Chair, Arctic Council Ministerial, May 2017
“Food Security (The Happy Criminal Life)” Jim Stotts, ICC Chair, Alaska Federation of Natives Annual Convention, October 2009
“Global Climate Change (There’s a War Going On)” Jim Stotts, ICC Chair, COP15 – Inuit and Arctic Indigenous People’s Day, December 2009
“Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas” Jim Stotts, ICC Chair, Arctic Leaders Summit, April 2010
“Responding to Emerging Challenges in the Arctic” Jim Stotts, ICC Chair, Arctic Council Deputy Ministers Meeting, May 2010
“Offshore Oil and Gas Development (We Need a Time Out)” Jim Stotts, ICC Chair, Arctic Environmental Ministers Meeting, June 2010
“The New Arctic (The Next 30 Years)” Jim Stotts, ICC Chair, ICC General Assembly, June 2010
“Arctic Caucus Statement: Economic and Social Development” Aqqaluk Lynge, ICC Chair, 10th United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, May 2011
“Issues Relating to the Local Inhabitants and Indigenous Communities” Aqqaluk Lynge, ICC Greenland President, Ministerial Summit of Arctic Oceans, May 2008
Address to the Northern Waters Task Force Jim Stotts, ICC Alaska President, December 2010
Address to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council Jim Stotts, ICC Alaska President, June 2011
“Conditions for an Arctic Imperative (The Inuit Perspective)” Jim Stotts, ICC Alaska President, Arctic Imperative Summit, June 2011
“Responsible Resource Development” Marie Greene, ICC General Assembly, June 2010
Empowerment of Inuit and Balance Carolina Behe, 11th Arctic Frontiers Conference, January 2017